Construction industry acronyms - S
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'S'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] S
2SOB - Two Stage Open Book
SAP - Standard Assessment Procedure
S - Section
S - Sideways Clearance.
s - Slope
S & C - Switches and Crossings
S & T - Signal and Telecommunications
S and LP - Safety and Loss Prevention
S&C - Switches and Crossings
S&OP - Sales and Operations Planning
S&T - Signalling And Telecommunications
S/NVQ / SVQ - Scottish Vocational Qualification
S/O - Set-out
S/S - Stainless Steel
S2P - Source to pay software
SA - Secrecy Agreement
SAAR - Standard Average Annual Rainfall
SABE - Strategic Advisory Body On Environment
SAC - Special Area Of Conservation
SAD - Single Administrative Document
SAF - Service Affecting Failures
SAF - Site Assessment Forms
SAF - Sustainable Aviation Fuel
SANG - Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace
SAIOU - Significant Adverse Impact On Use
SAM - Scheduled Ancient Monument
SAMP - Strategic Asset Management Plan
SAP - Safety Assessment Principles
SAP - Safety Assurance Principles
SAP - Standard Assessment Procedure
SAP - Suspended Access Platform
SAPT - Scottish Association For Public Transport
SAR - Synthetic Aperture Radar
SAT - Site Acceptance Testing
SAT - Specific Assemblage Type
SATC - Space Architecture Technial Committee.
SB - Steel Batten [British Gypsum]
SB / IMP - Security Breach / Incident Management Plan
SBC - Standard Building Contract
SBC/AQ - With Approx Quantities
SBC/Q - With Quantities
SBC/XQ - Without Quantities
SBCC - Scottish Building Contract Committee
SBD - Secured by Design
SBEM - Simplified Building Energy Model
SBI - Site Of Biological Importance
SBI - Site of Borough Importance
SBP - Industrial Spirit
SBP - Strategic Business Plan
SBP - Sustainable Building Product
SBP - Sustainable Buildings Philosophy
SBS - Sick Building Syndrome
SC - Safety Case
SC - Site Coverage
SC - Sky Component
SC - Spacer Clip
SC - Starter Channel
SC - Stop Cock
SC - Sub Consultant
SCA - SubContract Administrator
SCADA - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SCBA - Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
SCC - Safety Case Co-Ordinator
SCC - Scheme for Construction Contracts
SCC - Situations Co-Ordination Centre
SCC - Social Cost of Carbon
SCC - Stress Corrosion Cracking
SCEA - Social Cost Effectiveness Analysis
SCHAM - Safety Case Handling and Assessment Manual
SCI - Site of Community Importance
SCI - Statement of Community Involvement.
SCI - Supply Chain Integration
SCIEP - Supply Chain Information Execution Plan (BIM)
SCOP - System Continuous Operational Performance
SCM - Secondary Cementitious Materials
SCM - Should Cost Model
SCM - Station Choice Model
SCM - Supply Chain Management
SCMI - Structures Condition Marking Index
SCO- Safe Control of Operations (competence qualification to issue permit for work).
SCoP - Seasonal Coefficient of Performance
SCOSS - Standing Committee On Structural Safety
SCP - Spheroidal Carbonaceous Particles
SCP - Sustainable Consumption and Production
SCQF - Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
SCR - Safety Case Regulations
SCR - Significant Code Review
SCS - Species Conservation Strategy
SD - Smoke Detector
SD - Soap dispenser
SDA - Service Delivery Agreement
SDCK - Specification for Discoverable Construction Knowledge
SDG - Sustainable Development Goal
SDK - Software Development Kit
SDLT - Stamp Duty Land Tax
SDP - Strategic Development Plan
SDS - Status Determination Statement
SE - Services Engineer
SE - Social Enterprise
SE - Societas Europaea
SE - Structural Engineer
SE - Systems Engineering
SEA - Strategic Environmental Appraisal, or Strategic Environmental Assessment
Sec - Section
SECG - Specialist Engineering Contractors Group
SECR - Streamlined Energy Carbon Reporting
SED - Special Engineering Difficulties
SEDBUK - Seasonal Efficiency of Domestic Boilers in the UK
SEE - Skills Employment And Education
SEEBP - South East England Biodiversity Partnership
SEER - Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio
SEG - Smart Export Guarantee
SEGI - Site Of Ecological Or Geological Importance
SEIL - Strategic Economic Investment Locations
SEISS - Self-Employment Income Support Scheme
SELECT - Electrical Contractors Association of Scotland
SELV - Safety Extra Low Voltage
SEM - Scanning Electron Microscopy
SEN - Special Educational Needs
SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SENScot - Social Enterprise Network Scotland
SEPA - Scottish Environment Protection Agency
SEPA - Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
SER - Senior Executive Responsible
SES - Supplementary Environmental Statement
SEV - Sex Entertainment Venue
SevEx - Severity and Extent
SF - Square Footage
SF - Strip Footing
SFA - Standard Form of Agreement / Appointment
SFAIRP - So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable
SFCA - Standard Form of Cost Analysis
SfM - Structure from Motion
SFM - Sustainable Forest Management
SFP - Specific Fan Power
SFQP - Short Form Quality Plan
SFRA - Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
SFRS - Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
SGAR - Stage gate assessment review
SGEI - Services of General Economic Interest
SGHWR - Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor
SGSA - Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982
SgZ - Drinking Water Safeguard Zones
SHAD - Safety & Health Awareness Day
SHD - Space Heating Demand
SHE - Safety, Health & Environment (Rules)
SHEQ - Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (Management/ Report)
SHEVS - Smoke, Heat, Exhaust and Ventilation Systems
SHGC - Solar Heat Gain Coefficient.
SHLAA - Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment
SHM - Structural Health Monitoring
SHMA - Strategic Houding Market Assessment.
SHR - Shower
SHR - Stainless and Heat Resistant (steel)
SHS - Square Hollow Section
SHW - Specification for Highway Works
SI - Le Système International d'Unités (The International System of Units)
SI - Statutory Instrument
SI - Systeme Internationale
SIC - Standard Industrial Classification
SICSA - Sasakawa International Centre for Space Architecture
SID - Scope Interface Drawings
SIL - Strategic Industrial Land
SIM - Similar
SIM - Structural Information Model
SINC - Site Of Importance For Nature Conservation
SIP - Site Inspection Programme
SIPOC - Supplier, Inputs, Process, Outputs and Customers
SIPs - Structural Insulated Panel system
SIR - Savings-to-Investment Ratio
SIR - Specialist Inspection Report
SIT - Strategic Infrastructure Tariff
SJIB - Scottish Joint Industry Board
SL - Sky Light
SLA - Service Level Agreement
SLA - Special Landscape Area
SLAM - Stop Look Assess Manage
SLCF - Short-Lived Climate Forcers.
SLI - Site Of Local Importance
SLINC - Site Of Local Importance For Nature Conservation
SLS - Serviceability Limit State / Service Limit State
SLS -. Selective Licencing Scheme
SLU SMPF - Sub-loop unbundling shared metallic path facility
SLVIA - Seascape, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
SM - Scheduled Monument.
SM - Site Manager
SMA - Systems Maintenance Administrator
SMAC - Stop, Make a Change
SMART - Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique (value management)
SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound
SMC - Scheduled Monument Consent
SMD LED - Surface-Mounted LED
SME - Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
SME's - Small and Medium Enterprises
SMETER - Smart Meter Enabled Thermal Efficiency Ratings
SMI - Site Of Metropolitan Importance
SMINC - Site Of Metropolitan Importance For Nature Conservation
SMM - Standard Method of Measurement
SMM - Sustainable Materials Management
SMM7 - Standard Method of Measurement, 7th Edition
SMP - Shoreline management plan
SMP - Smart Motorways Programme
SMP - Standard Method and Procedure
SMP - Statutory Maternity Leave
SMR - Scope And Methodology Report
SMR - Senior Management Review
SMR - Sites and Monuments Record
SMR - Small Modular Reactors
SMR - Steam Methane Reforming
SMR+CCS - Steam Methane Reforming with Carbon Capture and Storage
SMS - Safety Management System
SMT - Surface-Mount Technology
SMT - Systems Maintenance Technician
SNA - Security Needs Assessment
SNAPS - System Needs and Product Strategy
SNCI - Site Of Nature Conservation Interest
SNCO - Special Nature Conservation Order
SNH - Scottish Natural Heritage
SNICS - Sites of Nature Conservation Importance
SNP - Satin Nickel Plated
SNR - Single Number Rating
SNRHW - Stable Non
SNTB - Sub National Transport Body
SO - Set Out
SO - System Operator
SO27A - Parliament’s Private Business Standing Order 27a
SOA - Schedule of Accommodation
SOAEL - Significant Observed Adverse Effect Level
SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol
SOC - Strategic Outline Case
SoCC - Statement of community consultation
SOE - State-Owned Enterprise
SoFA - Statement of Funds Available
SoGEA - Single order Generic Ethernet Access
SOI - Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
SOL - Setting-Out Line
SOL - Shortage Occupation List
SOLDC - Strategic Outer London Development Centre
SoLR - Supplier of Last Resort
SOM - Soil Organic Matter
SONO - Statement of No Objection
SOP - Setting-Out Point
SOP - Site Operating Procedures
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
SOP - Summary of Proposals
SoS - Secretary Of State
SOU - Separate Operational Units
SoW - Scope of Works
SoW - Statement of Work
SoW - Summary of Works
SOWEC - Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council
SP - Shaver Point
SP / ST - Sole proprietorship/sole trader
SPA - Special Protection Area
SPAB - Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
SPC - Special Practice Consultant
SPC - Special Purpose Company
SPC - Statistical Process Control
SPD - Single Procurement Document
SPD - Strategic Planning and Development
SPD - Supplementary Planning Document
SPD - Surge Protection Device
SPD - Surge Protective Device
SPD (Scotland) - Single Procurement Document (Scotland)
SPDT - Single Pole Double Throw Switch
SPE - Special Purpose Entity (company)
SPEC - Specification
SPEER - Seasonal Primary Energy Efficiency Ratio
SPF - Seasonal Performance Factor
SPG - Supplementary Planning Guidance
SPI - Serious Professional Incompetence
SPI - Single Project Insurance
SPL - Slowly Permeable Layer
SPL - Sound Pressure Level
SPP - Scottish Planning Policy
SPP - Statement Of Public Participation
SPPI - Single Project Professional Indemnity insurance
SPPS - Strategic Planning Policy Statement
SPR - Standard Percentage Runoff
SPRHOST - Standard Percentage Runoff Derived Using The Host Soil Classification
SPST - Single Pole Single Throw Switch
SPT - Standard Penetration Test
SPV - Special Purpose Vehicle / Special Project(s) Vehicle
SPZ - Source Protection Zone
SQA - Scottish Qualification Authority
SQA - Suitably Qualified Acoustician
SQEP - Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel
SQL - Structured Query Language
SQUIRE - Service Quality Inspection Regime
SR - Stage Review
SRA - Strategic Rail Authority
SRO - Senior Responsible Owner
SRB - Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
SRC - Sulphate Resisting Cement
SRE - Stabilised rammed earth
SRHRV - Single Room Heat Recovery Ventilator
SRM - Solar Radiation Modification
SRM - Supplier Relationship Management
SRM - Supplier Relationship Managemer
SRN - Strategic Road Network
SRO - Senior Responsible Owner
SROI - Social Return on Investment
SRP - Soil Resource Plan
SRPC - Sulphate-Resisting Portland Cement
SRQ - Sustainable Residential Quality
SRS - Spatial Reference System
SRS - Strategic Route Section
SRSCR - Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977
Ss - Sections
SS - Stainless Steel
SS - Stereo Speaker
SSCRF - Social Sector ACM Cladding Remediation Fund
SS-DS - Schedule of Design Services
SSE - Scottish and Southern Energy
SSEP - Strategic Spatial Energy Plan
SSG - Structurally Silicone Glazed
SSHI - Soil Slope Hazard Index
SSIP - Safety Schemes in Procurement
SSL - Structural Slab Level - the level at the top of the concrete slab
SSME - Senior Structure Maintenance Engineer
SSoS - Single Source of Truth
SSP - Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
SSPC - Super-Sulphated Portland Cement
SS-RS - Schedule of Role Specifications
SSSI - Site Of Special Scientific Interest
SSSI - Site of Specific Scientific Interest
SSSO - Single Switched Socket Outlet
SST - Sea Surface Temperature
SSTL - Stainless Steel
ST - Solar Thermal
ST - Stock Turns
STAGE - Safety Targeted Assessment via Gateway Evaluation
STATS - Statutory Undertakers
STB - Sub-national (or regional) transport body
STC - Sound Transmission Class
STD - Standard
STDM - Social Tenure Domain Model
STEEP - Socio-cultural, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political
STEEPLE - Social, Technological, Economic, Ethical, Political, Legislative, Environmental
STEL - Short Term Exposure Limit
STEM - Science Technology Engineering And Mathematics
STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
STEP - Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program
STEPS - Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector
STL - Steel
STOR - Short-Term Operating Reserve
STP - Station Travel Plan
STPR - Social Time Preference Rate
STRA - Short Transverse Reduction in Area
STRUCT - Structure
SUCS - Shropshire Union Canal Society
SuDS - Sustainable Drainage System
SUDS - Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
SULE - Safe Useful Life Expectancy
SV - Schedule Variance
SVD - Stopped vehicle detector (radar device)
SVOC - Semi-Volatile Organic Compound
SVP - Soil Vent Pipe
SVT - Standard Variable Tariff
SW - Self Weight
SW - Small Works
SW - Stone Wall
SWC - Surface Water Crossing
SWH - Solar Water Heating
SWI - Solid Wall Insulation
SWL - Safe Working Load
SWL - Sound Power Level
SWM - Surface Water Management
SWMP - Site Waste Management Plan
SWMP - Surface Water Management Plan.
SWOT - Swot Analysis - "Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats"
SWSC - Short Wave Shading Coefficient
SWT -Scottish Wildlife Trust
SXZ - Point Layer Providing 1d
SZC - Sizewell C
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SONO = Statement of No Objection HAHA